Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 37 - Panjandrum

This is essentially a made-up word from the 1700's...but it's made it into the lexicon of the English language (my goal is to get a made-up word into the dictionary too!). Because our company recently had new board members join the Ambassadors side of the organization, I think we'd all like to meet some of these panjandrums in person, and hope that they might grace us with their presence here in the office. I won't hold my breath...

Day 36 - Evince

David was a little ticked the other night when I told him that I have been posting imaginary conversations that include my WotD....apparently he liked the fact that his making fun of me was being included on this. So I'll attempt to renew my vow to make this a daily experiment. I sent an updated version of David's resume to Sue the other day, and I think her response evinced her opinion of David's qualifications. She complimented him on how great his resume looked and she has sent it on to some of her contacts here in Seattle...we'll see what happens!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 35 - Plenipotentiary

As far as I can tell, from the documents I've been given, I will be the plenipotentiary when it comes to my stepmother's affairs, having all the power of attorney and being the primary decision maker when it comes time to take part in all of that.

Day 34 - Frangible

In the last few days, I've realized how frangible my self-esteem is...I don't care what anyone says, it really doesn't take much to make you feel like crap.

Day 33 - Veritible

It was a veritable cacaphony the other night, when my mother, grandmother and I sat around the table and talked about the family. I cannot believe how loud we are when we are all's really quite embarrassing and I'm sorry that David had to suffer through it.

Day 32 - Prevaricate

I know that sometimes when I tell people stories of my travels I can prevaricate at times...but I think people want embellishments. If you tell them the absolute truth...they'll get bored.

Day 31 - Apposite

I think it's very apposite of my boss to have me sit in on a meeting today where we discussed the possible uses a 'contractor' could have within my division. Quite honestly, the contractor's proposal was to be paid more than me to do what I do (although not everything) that I do, so I appreciate it that I was considered as part of the discussion.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 30 - Bibelot

No conversation, but this word is apropos, because I'm seriously planning to unload (either donate, sell, dump, give away) a lot of my collections: dolls, stuffed animals, various bibelots that are really beginning to make me feel weighed down by my past. I think it's time to clean up some of that, and make way for the future!

Day 29 - Lacuna

I told my mom (in another imaginary conversation) that I think she should seriously consider getting another dog in the near future. "I think Packer's passing has left a lacuna in your life, and you need to fill that space with another dog that will give you comfort."

I'm still waiting for an imaginary response on this one...

Day 28 - Perambulate

Yesterday, David and Taylor took all the dogs for walks (Sugar and Danny on one, and Sophie on another). My imaginary conversation with them goes like this:

"Are you guys going to perambulate with the dogs this afternoon?"

"Does that mean walk? Is that your word of the day?"

Me: "thpt"

Day 27- Accord

Another imaginary conversation, this time with my Mother:

"Mom, did you get to see Chloe when you went up to Auntie's today?"

"Yes I did, she is so funny and cute....are you sure you don't want to have a baby, Jenn?"

"No, mom, I don't want to have a baby. David and I are in accord about that, it's jut not going to happen."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 26 - Countervail

This is an imaginary conversation between David and I.

"Hey how is the job search coming?"
" was your day?" David responds.
"It was fine...why is the job search crappy?"
"Oh, I've just missed the boat on finding anything...I should never have left Holland America, I'll never make that kind of money again."
"Did you ever think that your attitude might be a countervailing force when it comes to looking for a job?"
"What does that mean?"

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 25 - Pallid

I was so lame this weekend as far as this project went...we had 7 teenagers in the house for Taylor's slumber/birthday party and I just really lost my focus on this. Friday's word was pallid, and I did make a comment on David's 'pallid complexion' when we were talking on Friday...but that was it. Countervail and apposite will have to wait...maybe I'll try and pull a triple or quadruple day this week...depends on how motivated I am!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 24 - Lapidary

I did not use this word...just couldn't fit it in!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 23 - Torpor

David was finishing up edits to his resume last night, and I mentioned that his torpor is now ending, as he jumps back into the job hunt/workforce.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 22 - Flagitious

David and I watched one of the most disturbing movies last night, a Japanese horror film "Audition". It told the story of a lonely middle-aged widower who decides to set up a mock audition for a movie, when in fact he's interviewing for a new girlfriend/wife. When he first receives the information sheets on the women who will be 'auditioning' he spots one that catches his eye, and of course she's the one who is completely insane. It turns out she was horribly by her uncle, and now she's out to kill everyone, particularly men. And it was incredibly flagitious (which I told David).

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 21 Onus & Nebbish

I mentioned to David last night that he shouldn't want to be a nebbish....he asked what the heck that meant, and I told him it's an ineffectual person. Then we discussed Taylor's having borrowed some XBOX games to take with her to her mom's and that she will be solely responsible for them if they are harmed in any the onus of responsibility falls on her.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 20 - Gesticulate

I asked David if he thought I gesticulate too much when I talk...he said know. But I did end up slapping him in the face while I was talking one I wonder.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 19 - Quotidian

This is a great word...but trying to fit it in at a Bunco game last night...not so easy! I would say that most of the gals that I play with live very quotidian lives, but I don't know if they would appreciate it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

day 18 - Flibbertigibbet

Are you kidding me? How do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

I called David a flibbertigibbet before we fell asleep..."Was that your word of the day by any chance?" he asked....and I think a fell asleep before I could answer.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 17 - Enjoin & Atelier

Ok, so I didnt' use my WotD yesterday (enjoin) and I can't see getting atelier into a conversation today.
Atelier makes me think of my time in St. Tropez last September when we were on our walking tour and stopped in at the Butterfly Museum. The artist (an elderly gentleman) happened to be there and invited us upstairs to his studio. The way that he used the thousands of butterflies that he had collected over the years in stunning works of art, they were breathtaking. Later that day, after we had boarded the yacht that was our transportation for the afternoon, we were enjoined to keep a sharp eye out for the different types of sailing vessels that were taking part in the regatta, in particular to look for the some of the boats that had been winners in the America's cup.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 16 - Tortuous

This was easy. David was playing his new favorite XBOX game, Unreal Tournament. This was a game he used to play quite often on the PC. So, as he's playing and cursing and getting frustrated with the difficulty of the game (it's a first-person shooter style, which I cannot get into), I mentioned that it's a tortuous route that his character has to take in order to fulfill the requirement of the particular level he was playing.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 15 - Constitutional

Sophie and I had a great walk yesterday afternoon and when I told David about our wonderful constitutional, he replied that he didn't like the way that word sounded...that it sounded like we had made a good poop. Sophie did have a couple of good deuces so the word works both ways. I like the idea of a daily constitutional, it makes me think of Britain for some reason...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 14 - Presage and Vicissitude and Panacea

Last night when David and I were watching 'Sanctuary' (a decent show from the Scifi network) I mentioned that the writers seem to be presaging that the main guy figure will be getting together (romantically or otherwise) with the daughter of the female main character. The show actually leads you to believe at times that there may be a romantic link between the main male character and the mother!
Just now I asked him if he thought our relationship has experienced vicissitudes during our time together. He smiled and replied "Well, I don't know what that word means, so I don't know." I gave him the definition and he said "I don't know, what do you think?" I think we have, and I replied that what we need is a panacea. I think 2010 will be a panacea for a lot of things that have plagued us. I hope.