Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 64 - Gregarious
I always thought that gregarious meant outgoing, and loud. But really it means means to seek out others of the same kind, which is really what all humans tend to do. I know that I look for certain qualities in my friends which are the traits that I exhibit.
Day 63 - Arcanum
What is going on in David's head, since his layoff a year ago, is arcanum. I can't figure out if he's depressed, mad, frustrated, sad, or a combination of all three. He sometimes seems quite optimistic and I'm encouraged that he's coming out of his funk, and then we're right back where we always are...the dumps.
Day 62 - Fructuous
My biggest hope is that David's job search proves to be fructuous in a short time; he needs the boost of getting an interview or even better yet, just getting hired!
Day 61 - Fractious
I know that my mood can swing down pretty low, and often when I get home David immediately picks up on my fractious ways. He'll ask me what's wrong, I'll say 'Nothing' and we'll go from there. It's usually because I walk in the door and find dirty dishes in the sink...but sometimes it's just that the bus ride home was particularly rough.
Day 60 - Bombast
I believe a little bit of bombast can be a good thing: it is sometimes necessary to self-promote and build yourself up, but I think when you get to the point of being pompous and ridiculous you've crossed the line between good bombast and baaaad bombast.
Day 59 - Egregious
I think the way the David was treated by his contact at our former workplace was particularly egregious. To be so positive during a meeting regarding possible employment and then to never contact David again, that is something that I cannot comprehend or forgive.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Day 58 - Gastronome
As much as I like to consider myself a bit of a gastronome, and I do really enjoy a fine meal (I've had some spectacular food experiences during my travels), sometimes I just want a pb & j on toast.
Day 57 - Duplicity
While I do appreciate David's honesty in not wanting to 'cheat the system'...I have sometimes wished, during the past year, that he would exhibit some duplicity towards the unemployment system and just apply for the money that he is due.
Day 56 - Inexorable
I feel, when it comes to David's unemployment, that I have to be an inexorable force of positivity. I don't want him to give up, and if anything I need him to take a more pro-active stance, I think right now he's just reacting and doing the minimum amount to appease the requirements of unemployment. I will not be swayed from my position.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Day 55 - Hypnaogic
I fall asleep so quickly, there is barely time for anything interesting to occur hypnagogically. Some people talk in their sleep, some will get fairly amorous in that time before they succumb to slumber, but not me. I am instantaneously out.
Day 54 - Vivify
I wish that I could vivify the life that David and I have built for ourselves. This past year has been such a trial, and I can only hope that my mantra of "Only Good Things in 2010" will help to perk us up.
Day 53 - Billet-Doux
No billet-doux for me on Valentine's Day. I didn't even get a card with a loving sentiment written in it. Am I feeling sorry for myself? Yes, definitely.
Day 52 - Cupidity
I'll admit that I express cupidity when it comes to money and gifts. I wish that I didn't seem so greedy...but it is definitely my nature.
Day 51 - Quietus
When David lays Sugar down on her pillow and then puts her blanket over her, it's as if a quietus has been laid on her. She looks like a little dog mummy, with her tongue hanging out and her eyes rolled back. It's really very creepy, but also quite endearing.
Day 50 - Coquetry
I could probably use a refresher course on the art of coquetry; I don't really feel like I know how to flirt any longer (not that it's something I should be doing all the time either...)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Day 49 - Taradiddle
As much as I am an advocate for honesty and truth, I don't think it's possible to live a normal life without an occasional taradiddle. Sometimes, you need to tell a little white lie or fib in order to spare someone's feelings.
Day 48 - Vitiate
I'd like to think that the way I communicate with Taylor is to keep her somewhat innocent as she grows up. In no way do I want her to be so innocent that she has no concept of how to deal with the world as she gets older, but I don't want to vitiate her either, and have her turn into one of those awful, horrible, nasty teenagers.
Day 47 - Approbation
I do know that my constant "do you love me" queries and requests for approbation are probably annoying. But I can't help it, I think it is in my nature to need the continual assurances of approval.
Day 46 - Ignoramus
I don't think calling members of our accounting staff "ignoramuses" is completely true, but sometimes they are so difficult to work with, and I feel like I am beating my head against a wall when I am talking to them!
Day 45 - Eschew
I am trying to eschew negative thoughts this year. My mantra is 'Only good things in 2010!'
Day 44 - Distrait
David had a tough time at his unemployment class/seminar on Monday. I think he found that he was distrait because of the stress of starting his job search. He's worried that he won't be able to focus or learn in a job setting...I don't think it's anything to be concerned about.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Day 43 - Pecuniary
I'll admit, one of the reasons that I'm anxious for David to get back to work if for purely pecuniary concerns. We need his income, and I'll feel much safer and more secure when I know he's back at work!
Day 42 - Aubade
It's still too dark in the morning, during my walk to the bus stop, for the birds to be singing their aubades. But, it won't be long before it is a little bit brighter out, and then I expect to be greeted with songs and whistles as I head down the road!
Day 41 - Gelid
It has been really nice this week (some rain) but the temperatures have been mild. And I've been noticing that it's staying lighter later, which is so nice! When the air is gelid, and your breath comes out in puffs, that is one of my favorite times to go out walking with Sophie. But, I have to admit that I am getting more and more anxious for spring and warmer weather. The crocus are starting to bloom in the yard and I want more color to come bursting from the ground in our garden!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Day 40 - Mondegreen
I can remember Dana and I driving around in her car (this was probably 1986 or '87) and the Billy Ocean song "Caribbean Queen" came on, but she thought that I was singing "Making Chinese Food"....I still don't know how she came up with that mondegreen!
Day 39 -Penchant
I have such a penchant for luxury items, and I'm finding myself 'shopping' online at sites like Rue La La, Haute Look...ugh, I've got to stop, my spending has been way up lately!
Day 38 - Rapacious
Ugh, I have not tried to use any words in a week! I guess I thought that David might remind me! I do think my nature is sometimes rapacious, in that I have a need to take what I want, and demand the things I need. I probably don't allow others to get their fair share sometimes, and I'm sure I'm thought of poorly for that.
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