Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 0-The Concept

I've always wished to be a better writer...I was always jealous of my friend Mindy, her words seemed to flow from her pencil or pen, plus she had perfect penmanship (and this was back when we were in the 4th grade). But, whenever I have had the grand plan to start writing or journaling, it all falls flat. So this idea came to me, and I discussed it with David (my boyfriend and housemate) and he said he would read I thought this just might work.

I have subscribed (again) to the Word of the Day emails from, and once I have my word each day, I will have to use that word at least once in a real conversation, and then by the end of the day I'll need to write about that conversation. It sounds fairly simple (and kind of boring when I see it in print) but I think it will be a good exercise for me:
1. It will force me to write each day
2. I will expand my vocabulary, and finally learn how to pronounce, spell and properly use some of the more exotic words in the English language

The game is afoot!

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